Unfortunately our first Green Tree Monitor transaction went like most likely do – we received an animal that was underweight, dehydrated, and stressed. She was likely wild-caught, though we thou...Read More
I’ve been keeping dart frogs for over a decade, so we are used to culturing insects, but of a much smaller variety. I have experience with various species of fruit flies, as well as bean beetles...Read More
We offer a variety of foods to our Veranus prasinus, the Green or Emerald Tree Monitor. Our pair will take: live crickets live dubia roaches frozen/thawed pinkie mice frozen/thawed quail chicks frozen...Read More
Overview This is a comprehensive post on how I approached housing V prasinus green tree monitors over the course of our first four months with these animals. My objective was to provide our V prasinus...Read More
We purchased a 4’x2’x4′ Zen Habitat PVC enclosure for our tree monitors in the summer of 2020. We had been looking for an enclosure system that provided the ability to create a habit...Read More