Shannon has a thing for technology (gee, wonder where that comes from). She is always sneaking around trying to get at our most expensive toys, especially Dad’s “topt” (known to mo...Read More
Yes, Shannon really took this picture. I had just attached the remote trigger to my camera when she picked it up and pressed the button. She did a better job framing herself than I did 🙂...Read More
During the early 2000’s I worked at a series of small start-ups handling project management for our development groups. I entered the start-ups at various stages of their life-cycles, but the ...Read More
I’ve been managing projects for well over 10 years, and the biggest obstacle that I encounter is communicating project status quickly and efficiently with a project team. We have lots of tools a...Read More
The longest time frame of the afternoon session at the Snite Museum, the 20 minute sketch allowed me to add more detail to the subject while still focusing on creating the sketch is a restricted time ...Read More
This is another sketch from the afternoon session at the Snite Museum at Notre Dame. The duration of the period for this sketch was 10 minutes – you can see that the level of detail was greater....Read More
Though I have sketched and designed many interesting objects, this sketch was a breakthrough for me, embodying a concept more than anything else. It was a sunny day on the Notre Dame campus and my art...Read More
Meet Oscar and Felix, our odd couple. Our boys were found in a dumpster in October of 2003 when they were one day old. Someone dropped them off at the Austin SPCA and Tonja just happened to be there t...Read More
Here’s an interesting sequence of shots of Oscar doing what he loves – swimming. This was especially fun because he rarely jumps into the lake with this much enthusiasm....Read More
One of the most stunning subjects I have ever had the honor of photographing, this red tailed hawk was a permanent resident of a raptor rehabilitation facility in NJ. Despite the loss of a wing, this ...Read More
Flat Stanley’s in Austin Texas! Emma sent Flat Stanley to visit her Uncle Jim, Aunt Tonja, Cousin Shannon and Cousin Darrock who live in Austin Texas. Where’s Austin? Well here’s...Read More
I got the camera bug from my father and grandfather. It started with my first 35mm, a cheapo Konika, and has continued to grow with my D40 and collection of lenses. Here’s a summary of my equipm...Read More
Regular performance testing of software releases yields a tremendous volume of comparative data that can be plotted to illustrate many trends in release over release performance and coverage. Take t...Read More
As with any application that is undergoing a performance profiling effort, you start with standard instrumentation pulling data from the supporting infrastructure stack and from metrics specific to th...Read More
Leave it to our nosy little dog to find a critter he shouldn’t be messing with. He came across this snake on our weekly walk at the lake. Luckily it was a cold morning....Read More