The neat thing about living in Austin is the variety of critters you find around (and sometimes in) your house. Here are a few select photos: Snakes Green Anoles Texas Spiny Lizards Hummingbirds More ...Read More
I have been working on the high scale performance program for the Initiate Master Data Engine (MDM SE and vMDM post IBM acquisition) in large scale commercial settings for over 7 years. I’ve hel...Read More
We’ve had a good number of flowers sprout in our dart frog vivariums. Here’s a sampling of some of our favorites: Episcia “Silver Skies” This is a beautiful sliver leafed plan ...Read More
Shipping dart frogs long distances is a common practice in the dart frog hobby. I’ve been curious about in box temperature profiles during transit, so working with other hobbyists we began a pro...Read More
As more information is presented about what government agencies are doing with our data, new visualizations are popping up. This one caught my eye: This is a dynamic chart that walks you throug...Read More
iOS7’s recently stated design principles are a good synopsis for design in general, and as applied to data visualizations. The key elements of sound information design are to strip away unnecess...Read More
Very cool animation from Apple on their design philosophy. These concepts can be extended to information design and visualization. A core philosophy of mine is the removal of all unnecessary colors, l...Read More
This is a visual series of an 18x18x18 vivarium build incorporating a stand and hood housing a group of dart frogs. The design leverages an actively vented hood that exhausts air through a blow hole p...Read More
This seems to be one of the more popular pages on my site, so I figured it was time for a refresh of the content. Over the years I have moved away from internal fans, and moved to active but tuned air...Read More
Why test? The dart frogs I keep are captive bred (CB). Some frogs are wild caught (WC) and some of the larger breeders may import WC animals into their collections that can bring diseases and parasite...Read More
Adelphobates galactonotus is a species of frog from Brazil. There are multiple color morphs of this species, including yellow, orange, koi and red, the morph that I keep. Here’s an approximate r...Read More
It’s sometimes difficult to sex Dendrobates tinctorius frogs. I thought I would share a variety of images of the male and female from our pair to help others see the differences in dimorphism be...Read More
Dendrobates tinctorius “Lorenzo” Dendrobates tinctorius “Lorenzo” is a dwarf tinctorious morph purported to be from Lourenço Brazil. I don’t have any first hand knowledg...Read More
My particular Dendrobates tinctorius “Bakhuis” specimens were captive bred by Sean Stewart at Herpetologic. These dwarf dart frogs are from the Bakhuis Mountains in Western Surin...Read More
Often the most effective way to describe, explore, and summarize a large set of numbers – even a very large set – is to look at pictures of those numbers. Edward R. Tufte I’ve spen...Read More