I have two MistKing misting systems, a starter driving 6 heads on my 120 gallon display vivarium, and an ultimate that drives 20 heads on my main display wall. I use cheap Exo Terra nozzles since I st...Read More
This is a collection of useful Linux commands and procedures that I compiled as a reference for me since I always forget this stuff. Hopefully it will prove to be useful for others too 🙂 &n...Read More
This morph made its way into my collection in a most unexpected manner; a friend of mine was exiting the hobby and had just acquired this group from Understory Enterprises in early 2015, so I jumped a...Read More
I’ve seen a lot of advice on the boards telling folks that Dendrobates tinctorius morphs are “terrestrial” and “they do not climb”. These rules of thumb are incorrect ...Read More
I began thinking about keeping “highland lamasi” in 2014. All my prior experience in dart frogs was with larger D. tinctorius or A. galactanotus. I have a relatively small footprint collec...Read More
I’ve been dabbling with pfSense for a number of years, dating back to 1.2.3. It’s a powerful open source firewall developed here in Austin TX 🙂  Recently I have made the effort to upg...Read More
This is a log of my experiences installing MythTV on OSX Yosemite. I started by following the documentation at mythtv.org: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythTV_on_Mac_OS_X You’ll need to download t...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page I’ve been experimenting recently with Excel VBA dictionaries and arrays to avoid writing to disk while parsing log files. I have been using a dictionary to ca...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page This is a small Excel VBA script I wrote to pull the SVMON memory statistics for a specific PID that contains concatenated SVMON output. I’ve had to modify th...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page Here’s a relatively obscure Excel VBA script that you would likely never use, but it is helpful if you care about IBM DB2 buffer cache sizes over time that ca...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page I use this script to compile data from multiple DB2 snapshots into a single time series table that can be used to generate time series plots for use in enterprise w...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page This is a script I use for extracting data of interest from NMON output. Often I need t0 extract data from a variety of tools a customer is comfortable using, an...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page This is a sample script that I used in Excel VBA to extract data from IOSTAT output trapped at a regular interval (typically 15 seconds) to create a single row time...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page This is an old script I created that imports HTML based reports into Excel, searches for the target headers in the file, then pulls key data I specified for the OLT...Read More
Back to the main data prep VBA page I work within development organizations helping to tune high scale workloads for our large scale commercial customer base. These customers typically deploy in a var...Read More
I acquired a pair of wild caught (WC) Dendrobates tinctorius “Robertus” that I hope to breed and help establish in the hobby. I originally took what appeared to be the strongest female ava...Read More
In June of 2014 I acquired a wild caught pair of Dendrobates tinctorius “Robertus” from Marcus Breece at Simply Natural Dart Frogs. They were brought in by Snakes at Sunset in Ma...Read More
If you intend to keep dart frogs you have to get comfortable with the concept of feeding live foods. The staple of their diet is vitamin dusted fruit flies, typically Drosophila melanogaster and Droso...Read More
I have been keeping dart frogs for about 2.5 years as of this initial post on orchids. Over that time I have kept a variety of plants, but never orchids. After being moderately successful with other t...Read More