2014 Dec. Darrock Preschool 4s

These little Angels were handed out whenever the kids were “caught” delivering acts of kindness and respect throughout the Fall semester. These were the ones Darrock received Sept-Dec, starting at top, left. The one in the middle that’s hard to read states, “Passed scissors to a friend that needed them.”


December creations:

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In-class assignments. The 3rd one is an “eye spy” exercise – Darrock really likes that kind of game. He also enjoys (at this particular age) dot-to-dot and has improved tremendously with his spelling and reading.

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Darrock’s class works on a “letter” each week. The first pic below is one of his show and tell objects for the ‘N’ letter. It’s hard to remember them every single day! The ‘S’ sign is what he used during the Christmas Pageant. His section held up this letter for the “Santa” bingo song.

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