Gartner MDM magic quadrant…SE performance

I have been working on the high scale performance program for the Initiate Master Data Engine (MDM SE and vMDM post IBM acquisition) in large scale commercial settings for over 7 years. I’ve helped guide the development and implementation of large scale infrastructure design principles geared toward low latency, high throughput OLTP style workloads servicing the most demanding MDM workloads in the world. We have been very successful in the large scale commercial space with 30+ clients managing 100 million or more records, and multiple handling a billion or more. It was pretty neat to see that strength listed in the most recent Garter MQ report for the industry:

Strong performance and industry focus: SE has strong proof points for extremely high volumes of business-to-consumer (B2C) data, with subsecond latency and high transaction rates.

It’s great to see this program acknowledged, and to be known within the industry for being best of class in performance. I’m also happy to toss out our “top 20” table, showing the metrics from real installations with real workloads when a competitor tries to offer their latest “benchmark” using an artificial, suppressed payload with a cooked up data set. Real data trumps marketing cruft any day of the week.