If you’re looking for late breaking news on what’s happening with the O’Neills in Austin Texas, you’re in the right place…well…for the most part. Jim is notoriously bad about keeping this site, pictures, and his email current. It may not be late breaking, but you’ll find out what we’ve been up to in the past few months (maybe years is more accurate).
Well, enjoy what’s here! Email Tonja if you actually want to hear back from us 😉
Kid pictures
If you’re looking for pictures of the kids, use your credentials to login on the right side of this page. Once you do that, you’ll see the rugrats section of the site where you can browse the latest galleries.

Our Critters

We enjoy keeping critters in our house. Follow the links in each section, the links at the top of our site, or within our tag cloud to the right for more posts.

We’ve been keeping dart frogs for well over a decade. We have compiled quite a few posts on the frogs we have kept (all our posts are listed below). Currently we have narrowed our focus to thumbnails, focusing on Ranitomeya fantastica, summersi, and reticulata. You can read more about our dart frogs here as well.
Main frog page:
Frog posts:

We keep a variety of lizards including green tree monitors, green keel bellied lizards, and many species of micro-geckos.
Main lizard page:
Lizard related posts:
Main micro gecko page:
Micro gecko posts:
Coming soon!
One of my early passions was sketching. I dabble here and there, but I have incorporated graphic work and photography into my work more recently. I always go back to a session in Notre Dame’s Snite Museum of Art where the instructor for my art class provided a breakthrough moment for me, time boxing my sketches. This forced me to loosen up my style, yielding 3 of the best sketches I have ever done (5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 minute limits):

Here’s a fun story about how being color blind can work to you benefit.
Dart blasters
One of Jim’s hobbies is 3D printing dart blasters and collecting chronograph data on them. Our main dart blaster page:
Our dart blaster related posts:

Fun with data
I’ve been fascinated with the presentation of data for years now. I’ve been playing around with different data visualizations of a variety of data some of which are presented here. You can hit the data tag for the latest and greatest posts. Here are a few of my favorites:

You can find more examples of my portfolio and work at my work oriented site, tertiary analytics:

Though the kids now dominate our photos, we still find time to take pictures of other stuff. Here’s a selection of our favorite photos. Here’s a bit of information on our photography equipment.
our boys, Oscar and Felix

critters of Austin
